February 26, 2009 journal, will America end in revolution, secession or default on debt Treasury bonds or all 3? The Republicans seem to be pushing toward revolution such as Sean Hannity on Fox News. Who is this Bobby Jingle guy as governor of Louisiana? The stock market is about to drop under 7000 as the newspaper industry goes bust and that is a bit of good news as they are deserving especially the New York & L.A. Times. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates of the Pentagon announced today that the coffins will be uncovered returning from Iraq & Afghanistan unless the families of each fallen object. The new federal budget beats all but it includes the cost of wars and is said to be honest report whereas the last administration hid the cost of war as they did all the dead bodies. General Motors lost $31 billion last year yet they pretend to be our car host of the future. Let them declare bankruptcy and start over if they will to compete rather than returning to the trough to borrow or steal more money from the taxpayers. Shame on general Motors. Someone sent me an e-mail on all the murders in Atlanta, I say it is about as bad here as the police are dealing with a bank robbery standoff today just off Laurens road. Maybe he thinks Carolina First Bank has that $350 million bailout artificial money in the bank. Crime is raging all over the country and especially the Mexican border where thousands have been killed. Perhaps if the dollar goes bust then it would not be worth killing for. 680,000 more people applied for first-time unemployment insurance last week alone. I say it may be more like 1 million people lost their jobs in one week's time. Any thinking person would know that this country is finished with only the last act left as an option to default on the debt worldwide. Total collapse could free the American people or it may further inflect the American people with loss of freedoms. The new budget of 3.6 trillion includes Iraqi war expense that before was not included in the last administration budget. It is called an honest budget revealing total expenditures but America cannot afford it. I am pleased with events so far except that Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff scares me. 150 year old Denver Rocky Mountain newspaper bids farewell to its readers today. The credit bureaus are now using secret codes to report your credit worthiness to their customers. It seems clear to me that there is no longer any use for credit bureaus as there is no longer any use for newspapers in this country. South Carolina Senator Jim Demint suggest the citizens take to the streets to stop the spread of socialism in our government. Socialism is OK if it is Republicans socialism but Democratic Socialism is not permitted. The American government's annual receipts are about 3 trillion dollars and any fifth grade math would reveal the fact that we can never pay off the national debt. In fact, we cannot even pay the interest on our debt. A majority of that 3 trillion dollars goes to pay interest. People want to know when the bailouts will end. They say most people needing money will never see a dime of the stimulus package money. Joe the plumber Wisenbacker was called an idiot on MSNBC upon advocating that anyone criticizing the troops would have been shot in the old days, maybe thousands of years ago. The pitiful Republicans are now down to Joe the Plumber and Gov. Bobby Jingles as their national spokesman no joking. The mark of the beast is about to be given to the animals to control the heards and fight disease. Family farms are a thing of the past. They will force chips into your beast & you. The handwriting is on the Wall as it was in the days of the Old Testament Prophet Daniel. Mini mini Chico pickle, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Young Republicans demonstrated tonight on the roaring Reedy River by throwing tea leaves into the river to replicate the tea-party when the queen was exercising her muscle. The question is has anything good happened today and the answer is yes. It is impossible to list everything good that has happened today. The sun moon and stars are still shining. Dear reader-You have ask an interesting question and it bothers me that I cannot answer to determine what is good news or what is bad news. I am not a news reporter and if I were a typical one I would most likely report good news as bad news and bad news as good news in terms of sacrificing our liberties reported as good. There are two ways to look at inspirational speaking. The Joel Osteen mega church speaker in Houston always on television are the more realistic recognition of right & wrong. If we look life straight in the face and be content with what we have, where we are and who we are as opposed to living in a maginary world of illusions pretending bad is good or all things are good. I am sure we can all afford to look on the positive side for a longer life and better health. My mission is to reveal the truth from a world full of deception and my art bears that out for the last 20 years since July of 1989. My journals began in 1997 and have gravitated to what I think of as truth in information as to the fulfillment of scriptural prophecy although at times I feel like I am less than a drop in the bucket with all the evil being generated in the world today. I was concerned that many people would not understand why I think we would be better off without the newspapers and the television sets to spread propaganda. You have heard the fear mongers spreading fear until we are deeply involved in war. We have seen the political machine bleed the Treasury for trillions of artificial dollars support for Wall Street under the auspices of helping save homes from foreclosure. We would be better off without the banks and the credit-card companies putting people deeper in debt. Why do we need a license to use the public highways on our car and on our self plus a certificate of insurance. The list is long of many things we would be better off without. I painted the fall of Wall Street in 1996 according to Biblical prophecy, we have seen it now. Many people thought Wall Street was making them rosey rich are now in the pits. Perhaps they should have listened. The collapse of the currency will actually cure much of our problems but we must look forward to the divine cure ultimately for our longevity. Today we are under media inflicted federal illusions of freedom & liberty void of reality. I sure agree with you that the sun rising is wonderful to warm the earth and it continues to spin giving everyone an opportunity. I am thankful for the breath God has provided us as our "proprietary". He is our creator. God forbid I should disagree with any of your thoughts because they are positive but when you say we are free to attend church, that all depends on if it is an approved state church and politically correct. If you go out and start preaching against gays and abortion which is murder and sodomy, then soon the authorities will be knocking on your door. It is not much different today than in John the Baptist in Roman times 2000 years ago when he preached against sin and lost his head. If you think we have freedom under the Patriot Acts and homeland security with the NSA listening to every word you say, then you are mistaken. A million Christians were killed or displaced in Iraq that were protected for 35 years under Saddam. What can I say? We have never had full freedom of speech and it lessens every day as Congress gives us away. These are issues I wish I could be proven wrong on but it is unlikely to happen. The Mark of the Beast is coming to the beast of the field first then to the human beings. There is a bill in Congress now to mandate putting a computer microchip in every animal. The national debt has doubled under the last 8 years of the Cheney gang administration. The debt must be forgiven or this country will collapse under the weight of it, the Federal Reserve is stymied as the raging galloping debt has overdone it putting U.S. in a tail spin. Federal Reserve will not lose a dime other than interest because their money cost is zero. A Baptist Church deacon, Bruce Lee Wilson, snapped Thursday and attempted to rob a bank. The article is listed at www.greenvilleonline.com . He appeared to be a high roller real estate guy who evidently had lost a lot of money and could not handle it. He has a wife of 16 years and three children. He is now facing 30 plus years in prison. This is evidence of things to come as the economy collapses, people's minds will go with it. Wait till its the last can of beans and you have been waiting for 3 hours and someone cuts the line. February 28, 2009 journal, AGI lost 60 billion last quarter in for another 30 billion dollar bailout. The only words I can think to say is lunatic economics to describe total insanity. Mexico is on the verge of collapse even though we are giving them $1.4 billion to control their smuggling. Meanwhile, they are managing to get assault weapons by the thousands. Bank robberies are reported to be on the increase due to the economic crisis like the one here where a faithful father of three and reliable husband tried to rob a local bank after his business failed. Wall Street gets away with their robbery's of banks and of the American people and they don't even use a gun. I say prosecute Wall Street first before the people. They put people in jail for 30 years for attempted robbery but Bernie Madoff gets nothing for stealing $50 billion and most of it from his wealthy proteges. 60 Minutes is showing how for 8 years a knowledgeable investment analyst reported the Madoff scam to the SEC with no results saying he recognized Bernie Madoff as a Ponzi scheme in 5 minutes. He set his returns at 12% consistently with never losing and that is a red flag for anyone experienced in investments because the average is much lower than 12%. Had he of set his returns fluctuating and at a lower rate, he would not have been caught yet probably. I say look at the greed of people investing blindly as Madoff was paying his suckers with their own money as bait. Wall Street is one big pongee scheme actually protected by law. What is even more foolish than the Bsh bailout is still another bailout of the same people. March 1, 2009 journal, a blanket of beautiful white snow covers the South and leaving hundreds stranded on Interstate Highway 85 all night long in 25 degree temperature after 2 tractor-trailer trucks jackknifed near Cherokee and Spartanburg County. Why did the authorities not retrieve these people from the cold and danger some way for the sake of suffering human beings. The storm turned from tornadoes in Alabama to lots of snow in Montgomery going up the East Coast all the way to New England. It stops everything. March 2, 2009 journal, a bitter wet wind turns into heavy beautiful show blanketing this area by 5:00 p.m. and all night trapping hundreds on the interstate highway for at least 12 hours in a traffic jam miles long. Thank God if you are in a safe place and your home is the very best place to be. We get about one snow per year and I have seen it up to 12 inches deep with temperature as low as zero fahrenheit, the low last night was 25 degrees. Enjoy what nature has provided by relaxing and not challenging the law of nature for long life. Make prayer a first priority by sunrise and make every day productive in meditation. A program I happen to see on TV yesterday said to think twice before you push the send button on your computer e-mail and I sometimes regret sending things out when I am put on the spot for answers or to prove what I have suggested. Congress has been trying to pass what is known as a thought crimes bill or ha-t-e Bill that would imprison people for preaching against sodomy or being anti-Semitic. although these things are not against the law specifically, those that follow these practices are persecuted in various ways. A lady in Charleston was the first to be arrested in South Carolina under the new stalking law for protesting against an abortion clinic about 10 years ago. Rev. Michael Clure at the Pattersville Baptist Church has fought this abortion issue for more than 20 years and was arrested multi times and suffered federal charges resulting in a lien against him and members of his congregation which went on for years until a higher court reversed it. without really getting bizarre enough to mention David Koresh and the genocide of about 90 people in Waco Texas or the murder of Randy Weaver's wife in Nevada or the invasion in West Texas which is of course controversial. I rest my case. many spontaneous arrest and remember the Philadelphia 6 that were arrested for protesting against a gay pride parade in recent years. A Baptist preacher is imprisoned or was in not Sweden for preaching against sodomy in his own pulpit I'm . it is really global.